Southeast Regional Urgent Care Association
SERUCA is a non-profit regional organization dedicated to Urgent Care as a critical component of our healthcare system, working to assure high quality and cost effective urgent care services, while advocating for regulations that support our industry. SERUCA is a member organization that began in 2022 with a small group of people dedicated to representingRead More

Northeast Regional Urgent Care Association
NERUCA is a member organization that began in 2013 with a small group of people dedicated to representing urgent care in the face of onerous regulatory and legislative demands. Members and their individual expertise are the backbone of this thriving organization. Beginning in 2017, we merged as the first regional chapter of the Urgent CareRead More

California Urgent Care Association
Our doors are open to anyone interested in joining our growing community. As a California Urgent Care Association member, you’ll have exposure to a vibrant network along with a wealth of knowledge and experience you can’t find anywhere else. Our community is tight-knit, but incredibly welcoming. Scroll down to membership to learn more.

Urgent Care Association
Becoming a member of UCA gains you access to exclusive practice management and clinical resources; urgent care focused networking groups; dis-counts on certification, accreditation, meetings, webinars and products; and much more. Leverage these re-sources to save staff time (and money), advance your practice, grow service lines, drive patient visits, and help you advance professionally andRead More