Horiba Medical

About HORIBA Medical Is it viral or bacterial…urgent or routine? HORIBA Medical offers a completely interfaced laboratory on one bench with its Micros and Pentra Hematology and Chemistry systems for the urgent care setting. The results from these analyzers provide clues to help distinguish between viral and bacterial infections before you decide to treat theRead More

Hippo Education

Hippo Education

Lifelong learning should be exciting, and something you look forward to. It should connect you to your fellow clinicians and remind you why you practice medicine, not just how. Hippo exists not only to change your practice, but to change your mind about what truly great education can achieve. If you’re tired of CME that just checks theRead More



COLA, Inc. is a physician-directed organization whose purpose is to promote health and safety through accreditation and educational programs. In 1993, COLA was granted deemed status by CMS to provide laboratory accreditation. As a leading laboratory accreditor in the United States, COLA operates its accreditation program in accordance with a quality management system certified toRead More

Rapid Radiology

Rapid Rad is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in the industry and maintains long lasting relationships with our customers. By working with our customers based on your unique needs, we are able to build partnerships that foster trust, enhance communication and deliver results. Rapid Rad is dedicated to moving teleradiology forward by deliveringRead More

National Academy of DOT Medical Examiners NADME

The National Academy of DOT Medical Examiners (also known as NADME) was founded in 2005 by Occupational-Medical Physicians and transportation industry experts with the goal of providing the most effective and highest quality training courses to over 21,000 DOT NRCME certified medical examiners.

Board of Certification in Urgent Care Medicine

Board of Certification in Urgent Care Medicine (BCUCM)

BCUCM® certification in urgent care medicine clearly demonstrates the commitment of dedicated urgent care physicians. Both allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) residency-trained physicians are eligible to demonstrate their proficiency to the public in this specialty. BCUCM is a Member Board of the American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS).

GPI Anatomicals

GPI Anatomicals

GPI Anatomicals is the largest manufacturer of anatomical models for pharmaceutical companies with over three million models distributed in medical offices throughout the world. Founded by Scott Galloway in 1980, GPI Anatomicals specializes in plastic product design and uses every major plastic manufacturing process to produce proprietary designs of realistic, anatomically accurate models used primarilyRead More