MedPoint Medical Services, Inc
MedPoint specializes in comprehensive urgent care coding and billing services. MedPoint is an industry leader in urgent care reimbursement. In addition, our services include PM and EMR software, credentialing, onsite training and implementation, and detailed reporting. A complete, efficient solution designed to work the way your practice works.

MedData, Inc.
MedData eliminates confusion and frustration with the medical billing process. We simplify the communication process, consolidating each patient’s bills and focusing on patient satisfaction while increasing our clients’ revenue. We work with patients to make sure they understand their bills and payment options, and help them navigate any insurance issues. Our proprietary workflow is builtRead More

athenahealth is a trusted partner for the unique needs of urgent care operators, offering a network of services for EHR, revenue cycle management, and care coordination. Learn more at athenahealth.com/urgentcare.

HealthQuist, Inc.
Founded in 2003, HealthQuist is a full-service medical billing and credentialing/contracting company working with numerous Urgent Care clients throughout the US. With its core emphasis on medical billing, HealthQuist is empowered to provide superior quality services. Contact us to further discuss maximizing your top-line revenue collections and improving your bottom-line.