Roche Diagnostics Corporation
The frontrunner in personalised healthcare Roche was one of the first companies to bring targeted treatments to patients. With our combined strength in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, we are better equipped than any other company to further drive personalized healthcare. Two-thirds of our Research and Development projects are being developed with companion diagnostics. Together, a potentRead More

Prestige Medical Imaging
Prestige Medical Imaging has been providing the highest quality products and services to our customers since 2003. By only providing the highest quality products and services, Prestige Medical Imaging (PMI) has become one of the largest independent radiographic solution providers in the Northeast. Our organization has grown to cover New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts,Read More

mymedicalimages is a medical image sharing platform for patients and doctors. mymedicalimages.com was founded on a simple idea that people should be able to view, share and manage a lifetime of medical images like they do their personal photos.

Fisher Healthcare
We stay focused on you so you can stay focused on what matters most — your patients. Our sourcing and supply chain services ensure you have the right products at the right place at the right time. Our unparalleled product portfolio provides you with more choices that save you time and money. Given all of theRead More

ndd Medical Technologies
For more than 20 years, ndd has worked to improve the early detection and accurate diagnosis for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other chronic lung diseases with EasyOne products. ndd has grown to be the leading global innovator in Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) devices by supporting research, helping to create awareness, launching innovative products, and making themRead More

Cepheid is a leading molecular diagnostics company with a broad menu of tests for organisms and genetic-based diseases. With Cepheid’s GeneXpert® Xpress System and CLIA waived PCR test menu for respiratory infections and women’s and sexual health panels, Urgent Care clinics can provide on-demand, accurate, and actionable test results at the point of care. ForRead More

Anthro Technology Furniture
When you see a product is Built with Anthro-DNA™, it signifies quality manufacturing and technology leadership. Since merging in 2014, Anthro and Ergotron have combined our years of hands-on experience serving customers in the healthcare, education, government and office markets. The 30-year legacy of Anthro Corporation lives on through Ergotron.