Visby Medical
The first commercial application of the Visby Medical single-use, rapid PCR platform received FDA EUA in 2020 for COVID-19 testing. Currently under review with the FDA is a multiplex assay for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomonas from a single sample, at the point of care.

Jant Pharmacal Corp
Jant Pharmacal, established in 1986, offers a wide range of CLIA-waived tests for Urgent Care practices. FDA EUA CLIA-waived Covid-19 antigen tests are available in both Flu A&B/Covid-19 and single Covid-19 formats. Other tests include PT/INR, cardiac enzymes, pregnancy, mononucleosis, H. pylori, Hepatitis C, HIV, urinalysis, iFOBT, DOA and UTI.

Sekisui Diagnostics
For over 40 years, we have supplied innovative medical diagnostics globally to physicians, hospitals, laboratories and alternate testing locations. We develop, manufacture, and supply billions of tests each year through our commercial networks and partners. Our product lines include: We are part of SEKISUI Medical Group; a global family of four companies in seven countries,Read More