About HORIBA Medical
Is it viral or bacterial…urgent or routine? HORIBA Medical offers a completely interfaced laboratory on one bench with its Micros and Pentra Hematology and Chemistry systems for the urgent care setting. The results from these analyzers provide clues to help distinguish between viral and bacterial infections before you decide to treat the patient. Connect the analyzers to HORIBA’s LiteDM Patient Data Management System, which provides an affordable way to consolidate patient results to one report. You can also connect 3rd party analyzers and add offline manual test results to the LiteDM, and connect directly into EMR systems further streamlining operations in your clinic.
Micros ES 60 Hematology Analyzer with 3-part Differential
Worried about creating antibiotic-resistant superbugs? A CBC with 3-part or 5-part differential can provide clues to help differentiate between viral and bacterial infections before you decide to treat the patient. The Micros ES 60 hematology analyzer with integrated data management system provides a CBC with 3-part Diff result in less than 60 seconds using only 10 µL of sample. With an average mean uptime of > 300 days, your lab with be operational when you need it most! Need an efficient way to transmit data to your EMR system? The Micros ES 60 connects directly to EMR systems providing seamless workflow efficiencies in your laboratory.
Pentra 60 C+ Hematology Analyzer with 5-part Differential
Does your practice treat patients that have challenging hematology issues such as leukemia or anemia? Are you worried about antibiotic resistance in your patient population? A CBC with 5-part differential can provide clues to help you determine if your patient’s treatment plan is working before you decide to administer or adjust therapy. The Pentra 60 C+ hematology analyzer processes 60 samples/hour using proprietary technology that ensures an accurate count on the first run. With a better than industry average mean uptime, your lab will be operational when you need it most!
Pentra XLR Hematology Analyzer with 5-part Differential
A CBC with 5-part differential can provide valuable clues to help you determine if your patient’s treatment plan is working before you decide to administer or adjust therapy. The Pentra XLR hematology analyzer with autoloader processes 80 samples/hour, and provides a CBC with 5-part Diff result using proprietary technology that ensures an accurate count on the first run. The Pentra XLR also provides a complete menu of Retic parameters for treating oncology and anemia patients. (Also available without Retics.)
Pentra C400 Benchtop Chemistry Analyzer
One counter, not a whole room! No water system, drain or special electrical needs are required to operate the Pentra C400 chemistry analyzer, which provides the power of a floor model analyzer on a benchtop! The Pentra C400 offers routine comprehensive metabolic panels, TDMs, DAUs and Adulterants, plus HbA1c and Vitamin D tests. With 55 onboard programmable parameters and 40 open channels, you can add much more for a complete menu to meet the needs of your practice.
HORIBA Medical LiteDM Patient Data Management System
Need a cost savings way to consolidate laboratory test results to one patient report, eliminate transcription errors and end the need to hunt down results printouts? Introducing the LiteDM Patient Data Management System. Test results from analyzers connected to the LiteDM will automatically be consolidated to one patient report. Offline manual test results can also be added to the report. Connect HORIBA hematology and chemistry analyzers, or a combination of HORIBA and 3rd party analyzers to the LiteDM to streamline your laboratory operations. Connections include hematology, chemistry, immunoassay and urinalysis analyzers, and the LiteDM can connect directly to EMR systems further streamlining operations in your laboratory.